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About the Awards...


The DPS Recognition Awards honor outstanding contributions to the field of preservation in the greater Delphi, Indiana area. The awards recognize historic buildings or sites and are judged on these general criteria:

  • The property is greater than 50 years old.

  • Renovation should remain true to the building's original architectural style.

  • Shall be judged on the exterior of the property only.

  • Must be located in the greater Delphi area.

  • Need not be a residence--a factory, school, or other structure is eligible.

  • Need not be recently, or ever, restored.

  • Need not be listed on the Carroll County Interim Report or National Register of Historic Places.


The property categories are as follows:

  • Historic Residence, Pre Civil War.  Criteria as above, but built prior to 1860.

  • Historic Residence, Pre-1920. Criteria as above, but built  between 1860 and 1920.

  • Historic Residence, Post-1920.  Criteria as above, but built after 1920.

  • Historic Commercial or Public Building. Criteria as above, but originally built for commercial or public purpose.

  • Historic Church. Criteria as above, but built originally as a house of worship.

  • Historic Site or Structure. Criteria as above, but reserved for non-buildings.
    (For example: a park, garden, sculpture, bridge, etc.)


Three additional Recognition Awards honor individuals or groups:

  • Charles Gerard Historic Archival Award. Given to recognize the efforts of an individual, group, or organization in preserving historic archives and making them available for public use.

  • Atkinson, Sanders, Rodriguez Award. Given to recognize an individual, group, or organization for outstanding Leadership contributing to the preservation of historic buildings, sites, or structures.

  • Samuel L. Milroy Award.  Given to a member of the Delphi community who has integrity, business sense and has or will leave the community a better place.


The intent is to recognize significant contributions and achievements in these areas and as such, the awards may not be awarded every year.

DPS members may make nominations by completing the Nomination Form.

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